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Do dogs dream? And what does it tell us about REM sleep

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Medical Mojo
Do dogs dream? And what does it tell us about REM sleep

The podcast discusses the possibility of dogs dreaming and how scientists have studied this phenomenon in animals. It starts by describing the behavior of dogs during sleep, such as whimpering, barking, and leg twitching, which could indicate dreaming.

It delves into the science of dreaming, particularly REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, during which dreaming occurs. It explains that dogs, like humans, spend a significant amount of time in REM sleep and explores the concept of muscle paralysis during this sleep stage.

It further explores REM behaviour disorders (RBD) in animals and humans, drawing parallels between the behaviours observed in dogs and the scientific research conducted on cats and rats. It discusses the work of researcher Matt Wilson, who studied the brain activity of rats and discovered neural firing patterns during sleep that mirrored their daytime experiences, suggesting that rats may indeed dream.

The podcast concludes by highlighting the importance of studying animal dreaming to gain insights into the nature of dreaming across species. It emphasizes the valuable role of animal models, such as rats, in providing objective methods for investigating dreams and understanding the mind’s activities during sleep. The overall message is that studying animal dreaming can enhance our understanding of the nature of dreams and shed light on whether dogs, like rats, may dream about their daytime activities.

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