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How does DHT cause hair loss

Hair loss, Mens Health

How does DHT cause hair loss?

What is DHT? Whenever the topic of hair loss is brought up, these three letters are found not far behind, but what do they stand ...

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Fibromyalgia and LDN

Pain relief

Fibromyalgia and LDN

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes chronic pain. It is characterised by widespread musculoskeletal pain and causes the sufferer to be extremely sensitive to mechanical ...

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What is Minoxidil

Hair loss

What is Minoxidil?

In 1965, the pharmaceutical company Upjohn, which now is part of Pfizer, discovered that a derivative of piperidino-pyrimidine was a powerful vasodilator in dogs. This ...

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Obesity and low testosterone

Weight loss

Obesity and low testosterone

Obesity is the new health concern threatening to engulf the world, well the developed world at least. While most of the world can’t find enough ...

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Fertility and CoQ10

Pregnancy, Vitamins

CoQ10 and fertility

If you are trying to get pregnant, then you want to stack the odds in your favour. But basically, it all comes down to one ...

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Coenzyme Q10 and fertility

Pregnancy, Vitamins

What’s the role of CoQ10 in fertility?

Biologically, we’re most fertile in our adolescence and early twenties. After these optimal reproductive years, things start to go pear-shaped. Our bodies begin to prepare ...

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How we source safe medicines

Community pharmacies in England are crucial in ensuring patients have access to necessary medications. Medical Mojo sources its medications through a well-established supply chain involving ...

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impact of drinking while pregnant

Health, Pregnancy

Can a pregnant woman have two glasses of wine?

The consumption of alcohol during pregnancy has decreased drastically since it became known that it could cause Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)1, a neurodevelopmental condition. ...

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tips for healthy sleep

Health, Sleep

Fifteen tips for healthy sleep

If you’re having trouble sleeping, read this list and try to implement it before you hit the pillow. Alternatively, listen to the podcast (without light, ...

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why are teenagers so lazy


Why are teenagers so lazy?

Are you in your teenage years? If so, you should get your parents to read this article. Are you the parent of a teenager? Yes? ...

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How does the brain go to sleep

Health, Sleep

How does the brain go to sleep?

Imagine this: You’ve just wrapped up that report, the one that was due yesterday, but you powered through the evening to get it done. You ...

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What is sleep


What is sleep?

Sleeping is an intriguing enigma in the tapestry of human experience. We acknowledge its crucial role, yet the mystery surrounding its true essence persists. What ...

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Can you use Mirtazapine for sleep?

Sleep, Treatments

Can you use Mirtazapine for sleep?

Mirtazapine is an antidepressant medication that lives a secret double life. Due to its sedating properties, many prescribers use mirtazapine for sleep and to help ...

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Zolpidem and Zopiclone


Is Zolpidem the same as Zopiclone?

The two drugs are both nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic agents and work in almost the same way. They bind to the same receptor, the benzodiazepine binding site ...

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Melatonin and Infertility

Health, Treatments

Melatonin and infertility

Melatonin, also known as the “Dracula Hormone” because it is only released at night, is more commonly associated with helping us sleep. However, since researchers ...

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What is Melatonin


What is Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain to help us fall asleep. Before we discuss Melatonin, let’s look at how ...

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What is Zopiclone?

Zopiclone is a drug that is often prescribed for the short-term treatment of insomnia. In this article, we will focus on the following points: How ...

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Why am I so tired but can't sleep?


Why am I so tired but can’t sleep?

Do you ever feel totally exhausted but find yourself unable to drift off into a blissful rest-restoring sleep? In other words, are you “tired but ...

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Body Explained

What is Sepsis?

What are the criteria to meet a diagnosis of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)? Can you name a scoring system? Sepsis remains one of the ...

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