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Caverject 20mcg/ml injection


Caverject 20mcg/ml Injection provides a reliable and effective treatment option for men with erectile dysfunction, especially for those who have not responded to oral medications. Proper training and adherence to the prescribed dosage and administration instructions are crucial for achieving optimal results and minimizing risks. Always consult a healthcare provider for personalized medical advice and follow-up.


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Written By
Shazlee Ahsan
BSc Pharmacy, Independent Prescriber, PgDip Endocrinology, MSc Endocrinology, PgDip Infectious Diseases

Independent prescriber, Superintendent pharmacist.

Checked By
Dr Sarah Thornton
MbChB, Coaching Academy diploma with distinction

Medical coaching

What is Caverject 20mcg/ml injection?

Caverject 20mcg/ml Injection is a prescription medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. It contains alprostadil, a synthetic version of prostaglandin E1, which is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps to relax blood vessels and smooth muscle. This action increases blood flow to the penis, enabling the achievement and maintenance of an erection.


What is the active ingredient in Caverject 20mcg/ml injection?

The active ingredient in Caverject 20mcg/ml is Alprostadil.

What is Caverject 20mcg/ml injection used for?

Caverject 20mcg/ml is indicated for:
  • Treatment of erectile dysfunction due to various causes, including psychological, neurological, or vascular conditions.
  • Men who have not had success with oral ED medications or for whom oral medications are contraindicated.

How does Caverject 20mcg/ml work?

Alprostadil works by relaxing the smooth muscle and dilating the blood vessels within the corpus cavernosum of the penis. This process enhances blood flow into these erectile tissues, resulting in an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. Unlike oral ED medications, Caverject acts locally around the injection site and does not require ingestion or absorption through the gastrointestinal tract.
Caverject 20mcg/mL uses alprostadil, a synthetic version of the naturally occurring substance prostaglandin E1, to treat erectile dysfunction. Alprostadil works by relaxing smooth muscle and dilating blood vessels in the penis, increasing blood flow and resulting in an erection.

Here's How It Works in Detail:

  • Injection: Caverject is injected directly into the corpus cavernosum, one of the two cylindrical chambers in the penis that fill with blood to create an erection.
  • Relaxation of Smooth Muscle: Alprostadil relaxes the smooth muscle tissue in the corpus cavernosum.
  • Dilation of Blood Vessels: The relaxation of smooth muscle tissue causes the blood vessels to dilate, allowing more blood to flow into the penis.
  • Increased Blood Flow: The increased blood flow fills the corpus cavernosum, leading to an erection.
Caverject typically becomes effective within 5 to 20 minutes after injection, and the erection can last for about 30 to 60 minutes. It's crucial to follow the prescribed dosage and instructions provided by your healthcare provider to ensure safe and effective use of the medication.

How do you Caverject 20mcg/ml injection? 

Caverject 20mcg/ml Injection is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis. It is administered via an intracavernosal injection, which means it is injected directly into the side of the penis. Proper use of this medication is crucial for effectiveness and safety. Below are detailed instructions on how to prepare and administer Caverject 20mcg/ml Injection.


Gather Supplies:
  • Caverject 20mcg/ml Injection vial
  • Syringe and needles (included in the kit)
  • Alcohol swabs
  • Gauze pad
  • Sharps disposal container
Wash Hands:
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to ensure cleanliness.
Prepare the Injection Site:
  • Choose an area on the side of the penis. Avoid any visible veins.
  • Clean the injection site with an alcohol swab and allow it to dry.

Mixing the Solution (if applicable)

Attach Needle:
  • Open the vial and wipe the larger needle with an alcohol swab.
  • Attach the larger needle to the syringe.
Mix the Solution:
  • Insert the needle into the vial and push the plunger to add the diluent to the powder.
  • Swirl gently to mix. Do not shake the vial as this can create bubbles.
Draw the Solution:
  • Turn the vial upside down and pull back the plunger to draw the mixed solution into the syringe.
  • Remove any air bubbles by gently tapping the syringe and pushing the plunger slightly to expel the air.

Setting the Dose

Adjust the Dose: Set the dose as prescribed by your healthcare provider by adjusting the plunger to the correct amount. The usual starting dose is between 1.25 to 2.5 mcg, and it can be adjusted up to 20 mcg based on response and tolerance.


Inspect the Needle: Ensure the needle is straight and not bent. If the needle is bent, discard it and attach a new one. Hold the Penis: Hold your penis with your thumb on top and fingers underneath, applying gentle pressure to expose the injection site. Insert the Needle: Maintain a firm grip on the penis and push the needle into the side of the penis, making sure to avoid visible veins and blood vessels. Administer the Dose: Push the plunger to deliver the dose. If the liquid doesn’t come out easily, do not force it. Slightly reposition the needle and retry. Withdraw the Needle: Once the dose is delivered, carefully remove the needle from your penis. Apply Pressure: Use a gauze pad to apply gentle pressure to the injection site to stop any bleeding.

Post-Injection Care

Dispose of the Needle: Place the used needle and syringe in a sharps disposal container. Do not reuse needles or syringes. Monitor for Side Effects: Be aware of any adverse reactions, such as prolonged erections (lasting more than 4 hours), severe pain, or swelling. Contact your healthcare provider if you experience any severe side effects. Follow-Up: Keep in regular contact with your healthcare provider to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your dosage or treatment plan.


  • Store Caverject 20mcg/ml Injection at controlled room temperature, away from light and moisture.
  • Keep the medication out of reach of children and pets.

Important Notes

  • Do not use Caverject more than once within a 24-hour period.
  • Do not use more than three times a week.
  • Always use the dose prescribed by your healthcare provider.
  • Seek medical attention if you experience priapism (an erection lasting more than 4 hours), as this can cause permanent damage to the penis.
By following these detailed instructions, you can safely and effectively use Caverject 20mcg/ml Injection to manage erectile dysfunction. If you have any questions or concerns, consult your healthcare provider for further guidance. Please you prescriber will have gone through how to prepare and inject the Caverject 20mcg/ml injection.

Who should not use Caverject 20mcg/ml?

  • Allergic Reactions: You are allergic to alprostadil or any other ingredients in this medication (see section 6).
  • Blood Disorders: You have sickle cell anemia, leukemia, multiple myeloma, or any other condition that increases the risk of priapism, a painful condition where the penis remains erect.
  • Penile Implants: You have an implant in your penis.
  • Severe Heart Disease: You have a condition where sexual activity should be avoided.
  • Penile Deformities: Your penis is scarred, not straight, or you have a tight foreskin.
Caverject should not be used by children (see section 2 regarding benzyl alcohol and sodium content). Do not use Caverject until your doctor confirms it is suitable for you.

Warnings and Precautions

Consult your doctor, pharmacist, or nurse before using Caverject if you:
  • Have lung, chest, or heart disorders (sexual activity should be approached with caution in these cases).
  • History of Mental Illness or Addiction: You have a history of mental health issues or addiction.
  • Previous Mini-Stroke: You have had a mini-stroke (transient ischemic attack).
  • Cardiovascular Risk Factors: You have one or more cardiovascular risk factors, such as high blood pressure, tobacco use, raised blood glucose, raised blood cholesterol, being overweight, or obesity.
  • Stroke Risk Factors: You have one or more risk factors for stroke, including high blood pressure, raised blood cholesterol, coronary artery disease, heart arrhythmia, or diabetes.

What are the side effects of Caverject 20mcg/ml?

Caverject (alprostadil) 20mcg/mL, like all medications, can cause side effects. Here are some of the common and serious side effects:

Common Side Effects:

  • Penile Pain: Pain in the penis, urethra, or testicles is the most commonly reported side effect.
  • Prolonged Erection: Erections lasting longer than usual, but less than 4 hours.
  • Bruising: Mild bruising at the injection site.
  • Bleeding: Light bleeding at the injection site.
  • Swelling: Mild swelling or lumps at the injection site.
  • Headache: Mild to moderate headache.
  • Dizziness: Feeling lightheaded or dizzy.

Serious Side Effects:

  • Priapism: A prolonged erection lasting more than 4 hours, which requires immediate medical attention to prevent permanent damage.
  • Severe Pain: Intense pain in the penis, urethra, or testicles.
  • Scarring or Fibrosis: Formation of fibrous tissue inside the penis, potentially leading to curvature or deformity.
  • Infection: Signs of infection at the injection site, such as redness, swelling, warmth, or discharge.
  • Hematoma: A significant collection of blood outside the blood vessels causing a large bruise or lump.

Rare Side Effects:

  • Low Blood Pressure: Sudden drop in blood pressure, leading to fainting or dizziness.
  • Rapid Heart Rate: Palpitations or unusually fast heartbeat.
  • Allergic Reactions: Symptoms such as rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, or trouble breathing.
  • Injection Site Reactions: Severe reactions such as intense pain, severe swelling, or significant bruising.


  • Monitor for Side Effects: Regularly check for any signs of side effects and report them to your healthcare provider.
  • Seek Immediate Help: If you experience a prolonged erection (priapism) or signs of a severe allergic reaction, seek immediate medical attention.
It's important to follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider and the information in the patient leaflet to minimize the risk of side effects. If you have any concerns or experience unusual symptoms, contact your healthcare provider promptly.

Doe Caverject 20mcg/ml interact with any other medicines?

  • Medications for treating high blood pressure (antihypertensives)
  • Medications for respiratory and heart disease (sympathomimetics)
  • Medications that widen blood vessels (vasodilative agents)
  • Other erectile dysfunction medications such as sildenafil or papaverine
  • Blood thinners like warfarin or heparin, as they may increase the risk of bleeding during the injection.

Caverject 20mcg/ml FAQs

What is Caverject 20mcg/mL used for? Caverject 20mcg/mL is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. It works by relaxing blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the penis to help achieve and maintain an erection. How is Caverject 20mcg/mL administered? Caverject 20mcg/mL is administered via injection directly into the corpus cavernosum of the penis. A healthcare professional should demonstrate the injection technique before you try it on your own. How quickly does Caverject 20mcg/mL work? Caverject typically starts to work within 5 to 20 minutes after injection, and the effects can last for about 30 to 60 minutes. Can I use Caverject 20mcg/mL with other ED medications? You should not use Caverject with other erectile dysfunction medications, such as sildenafil or papaverine, unless advised by your healthcare provider. What are the common side effects of Caverject 20mcg/mL? Common side effects include penile pain, prolonged erections, bruising or bleeding at the injection site, swelling, headache, and dizziness. Are there any serious side effects I should be aware of? Serious side effects can include priapism (an erection lasting more than 4 hours), severe pain, scarring or fibrosis, infection at the injection site, and significant bruising or lumps. Who should not use Caverject 20mcg/mL? Caverject should not be used by individuals with allergies to alprostadil, those with certain blood diseases (such as sickle cell anemia), penile implants, severe heart conditions, or abnormal penile anatomy. Can Caverject 20mcg/mL interact with other medications? Yes, Caverject can interact with antihypertensives, sympathomimetics, vasodilative agents, other ED medications, and blood thinners, which may increase the risk of side effects or bleeding. How should Caverject 20mcg/mL be stored? Store Caverject at room temperature, away from direct light and moisture. Do not freeze. Keep out of reach of children. What should I do if I experience a prolonged erection after using Caverject 20mcg/mL? If you experience an erection lasting more than 4 hours (priapism), seek immediate medical attention to prevent permanent damage to the penis.

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Checked By
Dr Sarah Thornton
MbChB, Coaching Academy diploma with distinction

Medical coaching

Written By
Shazlee Ahsan
BSc Pharmacy, Independent Prescriber, PgDip Endocrinology, MSc Endocrinology, PgDip Infectious Diseases

Independent prescriber, Superintendent pharmacist.

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