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Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes chronic pain. It is characterised by widespread musculoskeletal pain and causes the sufferer to be extremely sensitive to mechanical stimulation. Other symptoms include profound fatigue, cognitive disruption and sleep issues. Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) has recently gained traction for its off-label potential in treating fibromyalgia. Originally developed and approved at much higher doses to treat opioid and alcohol dependence, LDN is now being researched for its ability to modulate the immune system and reduce inflammation.

Read this article to learn more the latest developments regarding the use of LDN in treating fibromyalgia.

What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, and tenderness in muscles and soft tissues. It often comes with other symptoms like sleep disturbances, memory issues (often called “fibro fog”), and mood swings. The exact cause of fibromyalgia is still unknown, but it’s believed to involve an abnormal response to pain signals in the brain, potentially triggered by physical trauma, stress, or infections. This heightened pain sensitivity can make daily activities challenging and significantly impact quality of life. Fibromyalgia affects mostly women and is commonly managed with a combination of medications, lifestyle changes, physical therapy, and sometimes alternative therapies to help reduce symptoms and improve overall function.

Although fibromyalgia is not considered an inflammatory condition and does not respond well to anti-inflammatories (Clauw DJ, Arnold LM et al. 2011), there may still be an element of the inflammatory process involved (Wallace DJ. 2006).

Clinical Trials of LDN Treatment for Fibromyalgia

Two small clinical trials have demonstrated that low-dose naltrexone, or LDN, can be an effective treatment for fibromyalgia. In both trials, LDN was administered at a 4.5mg dose at night before bed. In the first crossover trial, where the participants received either LDN or placebo to start and then swapped midway through the trial, LDN reduced the pain associated with fibromyalgia in 6 out of 10 women compared to placebo (Younger J, Mackey S. 2009). To help consolidate these findings, a second study was conducted on 30 women who had fibromyalgia (Younger J, Noor N, et al. 2013). This was a double-blind, crossover, counterbalanced study that found that 57 % of the participants exhibited a significant reduction of pain during the low-dose naltrexone arm of the trial. The trial participants stated that they felt “very much improved”.  

These two trials add to the growing evidence that LDN or low-dose naltrexone is an effective treatment for reducing pain in fibromyalgia.

Low Dose Naltrexone and Compounding Pharmacies

Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) is not commercially available, meaning it is not widely manufactured. As a result, LDN can only be obtained from compounding pharmacies that specialise in customising such formulations. These pharmacies prepare LDN individually, offering it in liquid form or as capsules. You can order low-dose naltrexone 1mg/ml oral liquid from medicalmojo.co.uk. The low-dose naltrexone 4,5mg soluble oral patch is also available to order online.

Compounded LDN soluble oral patches

A recent advancement in the compounding pharmacy industry in the UK is the soluble oral patches of LDN. APC Labs is the exclusive compounding pharmacy in the UK, offering low-dose naltrexone in this innovative format. These soluble oral patches are placed on the inner cheek, where they dissolve and allow for rapid absorption of LDN into the bloodstream. This unique drug delivery method bypasses the effects of the liver’s first-pass metabolism and ensures a quicker onset of action and increased drug absorption.

Where can I buy LDN in the UK?

Medical Mojo has partnered with APC Labs making it easier for you to obtain low-dose naltrexone at an affordable price, without any hidden prescription fees.

For the first time in the UK, you can buy directly online after completing a health questionnaire to determine whether LDN is safe for you. With every purchase of low-dose naltrexone, a FREE follow-up consultation will be carried out by one of our team of prescribers to help you get the most out of your LDN therapy.  


Clauw DJ, Arnold LM, McCarberg BH, FibroCollaborative The science of fibromyalgia. Mayo Clin Proc.2011;86(9):907–911.
Wallace DJ. Is there a role for cytokine-based therapies in fibromyalgia? Curr Pharm Des. 2006;12(1):17–22.
Younger J, Mackey S. Low-dose naltrexone reduces Fibromyalgia symptoms: a pilot study. Pain Med. 2009;10(4):663–672.
Younger J, Noor N, McCue R, Mackey S. Low-dose naltrexone for treating fibromyalgia: findings of a small, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled,
counterbalanced, crossover trial assessing daily pain levels. Arthritis Rheum. 2013;65(2):529–538.

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