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Soluble oral patches

More direct than tablets, none of the pain of needles.

We use innovative technology to deliver drugs via the buccal mucosa, the lining inside the mouth, bypassing the stomach and delivering a higher percentage of the medicine you need into your bloodstream.

No to needles

If you hate needles, our oral patches provide an effective alternative to injections. While not all drugs can be equally effective via this route, we can adjust the dosage to match how well an injectable medicine works.

A bitter pill to swallow

The oral transmucosal route is an excellent option if you have difficulty swallowing tablets. More of the medicine reaches your bloodstream, meaning you can take a lower dosage than with traditional tablets.

Pesky skin patches

If you can’t get away with transdermal patches because they irritate your skin, we can compound your medication into an oral transmucosal formulation. Pharmaceutical-grade active ingredients, no rash.

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Traditional methods, such as oral tablets, require the drug to pass through the digestive system, which in turn reduce how much of the drug enters the bloodstream. The inside of the mouth, known as the buccal cavity has a rich blood supply. Then some bright spark realised that this could serve as a high speed VIP pass straight into the bloodstream without passing through the stomach, small intestine or the liver. So, by taking advantage of this unique access to the circulation our soluble oral patches are able to deliver more the active drug ingredients into circulation faster and with fewer side effects.

With oral transmucosal patches, less of the drug may be needed in the formulation to achieve the same therapeutic effect than tablets of the same strength which can also help to reduce side effects.

To apply the soluble oral patch follow these instructions:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly and dry them to ensure the film doesn’t stick to your fingers.
  2. Carefully peel off the film and, with your fingertip, position it on the inside of the cheek.
  3. The film will immediately stick to the side of the mouth and start to dissolve.
  4. Try not to swallow any saliva while the film is dissolving. The purpose of buccal administration is to allow it to dissolve across the inner lining of the mouth into the bloodstream.
  5. Avoid eating or drinking for up to an hour before and after applying the film.
  6. The film should dissolve in less than two minutes and may leave a slight aftertaste.
  7. Reseal the plastic blister tray after use to prevent the film from being exposed to air, and store it at room temperature.

You should not swallow the transmucosal film. This medicine should not be crushed or cut in half. Do not take more than the prescribed dose. If you take more than prescribed, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

To watch a video of how to apply the transmucosal buccal film, please click the following link or scan

the QR code.

Remember the inside of the mouth has a rich blood supply making it an excellent site to deliver drugs into the circulation. So, when you want a drug to act faster than a tablet then the delivery via the buccal or sublingual (under the tongue) are the way to go. Did you know that the chest pain of angina is treated with either sublingual tablets or sprays. That is because it causes vasodilation or opening up the squeezed blood vessels in the heart which then reduces the pain. Waiting for a tablet to navigate the stomach, small intestine and liver would simply take too long. So, if you want fast results choose the soluble oral patch.

If there is one vitamin you should be taking, then make it Coenzyme Q10. Why? Well, I think the one problem everyone starts to suffer with as they age is the lack of energy. It seems that once we pass a certain age in our life, everything becomes so tiring. Any ideas what might be contributing to this age induced fatigue? Well, since I have mentioned Coenzyme Q10, you can make an educated guess that this is the missing spark plug to your engine. You see Coenzyme Q10 is a vital component of something called the electron transport chain that is responsible for energy production in your body. Ah ha I can hear your thoughts, let me grab a couple of Coenzyme Q10 capsules with my morning coffee. But before you spend your hard earned cash allow me to let you into a little secret, Coenzyme Q10 is very poorly absorbed via the oral route and it’s incredibly expensive to purchase the high strength capsules. So, what is one to do to defeat the scourge of tiredness….I think you know what I am going to say. Remember the fast track VIP pass into the bloodstream? Yes, its the buccal route or the inside of the mouth. This is why we have formulated the Coenzyme Q10 into a soluble patch so that more of it gets into circulation and gets to work making all that wonderful energy that is keeping me writing this at 2.00 am in the morning. Now, I just need to take the melatonin soluble oral patch to go to sleep.
